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Kameas, A., P. Fitsilis, and G. Pavlides, "Algorithms for inference control", Microprocessing and Microprogramming, vol. 32, issue 1-5: North-Holland, pp. 755-764, August, 1991. Abstract
Kameas, A., and C. Karagiannidis, "Συνεργατικά Συστήματα Διάχυτου Υπολογισμού και Περιρρέουσας Νοημοσύνης", Εισαγωγή στη συνεργασία υποστηριζόμενη από υπολογιστή - Συστήματα και μοντέλα Συνεργασίας για εργασία, Μάθηση, Κοινότητες Πρακτικής και Οικοδόμησης Γνώσης, Κεφάλαιο 15: Κλειδάριθμος, 2007.
Kameas, A., "Representing tutoring interaction as structured goal satisfaction", Πρακτικά 6ου Πανελληνίου Συνέδριου Πληροφορικής, Athens , Greece, pp. 530-540, 4-6 December, 1997.
Kameas, A., and I. Stamatiou, "The digital territory : a mathematical model of the concept and its properties", In Proceedings of the 2nd IET International Conference on Intelligent Environments(IE06), vol. 2, Athens, Greece, pp. 227-230, 5-6 July, 2006. Abstract
Kameas, A., I. Mavrommati, D. Ringkas, and P. Wason, "eComp an architecture that supports P2P networking among ubiquitous computing devices", Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Peer to Peer Computing, Linkoping , Sweden, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 57-64, 5-7 September, 2002. Abstract
Hagras, H., M. Colley, A. Pounds-Cornish, G. D. Sousa, V. Callaghan, G. Nikiforidis, C. Argyropoulos, A. Kameas, and F. Murpfy, "A collaborating team of Spiking Neural Network based Robotic Agents for Inaccessible Fluidic Environments", In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, vol. 6, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 4867-4872, 8-11 October , 2006. Abstract
Goumopoulos, C., and A. Kameas, "Achieving co-operation and developing smart behavior in collections of context-aware artifacts", Augmented Materials & Smart Objects: Building Ambient Intelligence through Microsystems Technologies, Kieran Delaney (Eds.): to be published by Springer, 2007.
Goumopoulos, C., N. Drossos, A. Kameas, and I. Calemis, "A P2P communication architecture reflecting on the Plugs and Synapses model for ubiquitous computing systems", TALES of the Disappearing Computer Proceedings, Santorini, Greece, CTI Press, pp. 371-383, 1-4 June, 2003.
Goumopoulos, C., and A. Kameas, "Αn Ontology-based Context Management Framework for Context-Aware Ubiquitous Computing Applications", Theory and Applications of Ontology (TAO), Michael Healy et al. (Eds.), vol. 2: to be published by Springer, 2007.
Goumopoulos, C., A. Kameas, and B. O'Flynn, "Proactive agriculture : an integrated framework for developing distributed hybrid systems", In proceedings of 4th International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC-07), Jadwiga Indulska et al., vol. 4611, Hong Kong, China, Springer-Verlag, pp. 214-224, 11-13 July , 2007. Abstract
Goumopoulos, C., E. Christopoulou, N. Drossos, and A. Kameas, "The plants system: enabling mixed societies of communicating plants and artefacts", In Proceedings of the 2nd European Symposium on Ambient Intelligence(EUSAI 2004), vol. 3295, Eindhoven, Netherlands, Springer-Verlag, pp. 184-195, 8-10 November, 2004. Abstract
Giakovis, D., A. Kameas, and P. Pintelas, "A comparative study of learning algorithms for artificial neural nets", Proceedings of the 2nd Hellenic European Research on Mathematics and Informatics Conference(HERMIS94), Athens, Greece, pp. 905-916, 22-24 September, 1994.
Giakovis, D., A. Kameas, and P. Pintelas, "Μια πολυεπίπεδη αρχιτεκτονική του μοντέλου μαθητή βασισμένη σε τεχνητά νευρωνικά δίκτυα", Proceedings of the 3rd Panhellenic Conference with International Participation“ Didactic of Mathematics and Informatics in Education”, Patra, Greece, pp. 470-481, 9-11 May, 1997. Abstract
Giakovis, D., I. Zaharakis, K. Diplas, A. Kameas, and P. Pintelas, "Mellon: a generator of intelligent tutoring applications", In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technologies in Education (CATE 96), Cairo, Egypt, pp. 300-311, 18-20 March, 1996. Abstract
Geropoulos, S., A. Kameas, P. Pintelas, X. Skourlas, and I. Chalaris, "Quali_Learn-κατάρτιση απο απόσταση σε θέματα διασφάλισης ποιότητας στην ανάπτυξη λογισμικού", Proceedings of 4rd Panhellenic Conference with International Participation,“Didactic of Mathematics and Informatics in Education”, Rethimno, Greece, pp. 264-273, 1-3 October, 1999.
Gerogiannis, V., A. Kameas, and P. Pintelas, "Comparative study and categorization of high-level petri nets", Systems and Software(JSS), vol. 43, issue 2: Elsevier Science, pp. 133-160, 1998. Abstract
Gerogiannis, V., I. Zaharakis, A. Kameas, and P. Pintelas, "An intelligent tutoring system for the yourdon real-time systems development methodology", In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technologies in Education (CATE 96), Cairo , Egypt, pp. 287-299, 18-20 March , 1996.
Gerogiannis, V., A. Kameas, and P. Pintelas, "On the integration of high-level timed petri nets with schedulability analysis methods", Proceedings of the 3rd Hellenic European Research on Mathematics and Informatics Conference(HERMIS96), Athens, Greece, pp. 703-712, 2-27 Sempteber, 1996.
Gerogiannis, V., A. Kameas, and P. Pintelas, "Real-mfg a petri net based model focusing on the integration of schedulability and fault-tolerance", Reliability, Quality and Safety of Software-Intensive Systems: IFIP and Chapman & Hall, pp. 263-268, 1997.
Fitsilis, P., V. Gerogiannis, and A. Kameas, "Extracting and maintaining project knowledge using ontologies", In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, workshop for "Technologies for Collaborative Business Processes", Paphos, Cyprus, pp. 72-83, 23-27 May, 2006. Abstract
Fitsilis, P., V. Gerogiannis, A. Kameas, and G. Pavlides, "Producing relational database schemata from an object-oriented design", Proceedings of the 20th EUROMICRO Conference, Liverpool , UK, ΙEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 251-257, 5-8 September, 1994. Abstract
Drossos, N., I. Mavrommati, and A. Kameas, "Towards ubiquitous computing applications composed from functionally autonomous hybrid artefacts", The disapeearing computer handbook, vol. 4500/2007: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 161-181, 2007. Abstract
Drossos, N., C. Goumopoulos, and A. Kameas, "A conceptual model and the supporting middleware for composing ubiquitous computing applications", Ubiquitous Computing and Intelligence (JUCI), special issue on "Ubiquitous Intelligence in Real Words", vol. 1, issue 2: American Scientific Publisher (ASP), pp. 174-186, 2007. Abstract