R&D Projects


    The aim of ATRACO project is to contribute to the realization of trusted ambient ecologies. Interactive appliances, collaborative devices, and context aware artifacts, as well as models, services, software components are parts of ambient ecologies, which form the infrastructure that supports user activities. In ATRACO project, each activity is modeled as an activity sphere, which uses finite resources to achieve the goals of its owner, has its internal knowledge model, in the form of an ontology, and clearly marked borders, which realize the privacy requirements. The user tasks that compose an activity are supported by an ad-hoc orchestration of ubiquitous computing services offered by the ecology. The sphere adapts to different contexts by re-negotiating its borders, adopting suitable interaction modes and employing resource management models.


    ASTRA aims to define a framework for supporting the conception and the design of Pervasive Awareness systems, specifically those that are intended to support social relationships. This will consist of theories and technological solutions, addressing the two aims of the project:

    • To develop a theory to guide the design and evaluation of pervasive awareness systems supporting social use
    • To develop supporting technology (a service oriented architecture, tools and applications) that support communities to create, adapt and appropriate Pervasive Awareness systems.

    With the pattern of health care in Europe and worldwide shifting to community and informal care, "HEARTS" aims at enhancing patient independent living and quality of life by providing the means for safe and unobtrusive monitoring and quality care at manageable cost to a growing number of people away from hospitals.
    The project focuses on developing a methodological framework and introduces a home-based infrastructure that enhances and integrates a number of next-generation key technologies to enable and support patients with congestive heart failure (CHF). The project has a concrete content so that a specific system will be realized; however, the proposed technological and methodological framework is designed to be open to many other patient categories and can provide a general-purpose tool for remote monitoring with integrated medical inference and controlled decision making capabilities

  • Plants

    Enabling the development of synergistic and scalable mixed communities of communicating artefacts and plants

  • Social

    Developing collaborative autonomous agents that can learn and evolve, investigating methods for engineering emergent collective behavior in large agent societies and building micro-nano-scale tangible agents to implement proof-of-concept prototypes.

  • e-Gadgets

    Adapting the notions and principles of component-based software architectures to the world of tangible artefacts, which have computational abilities and communicate wirelessly







  • Digital Territories

    AmI space consists of a set of technologies, infrastructures, applications and services operating seamlessly across physical environments (e.g. neighbourhood, home, car); thus spanning all the different spheres of everyday life. Physical space becomes augmented with digital content, thus transcending the limits of nature and of direct human perception. A new term is needed for this new kind of space, which captures its dual nature. The term "digital territory" (DT) has been coined in an attempt to port a real world metaphor into the forthcoming synthetic world