
Personal information

Irene Mavrommati

User Experience Specialist
Project Manager, Research Unit 3 & DAISy Group
Lecturer, Hellenic Open University

Mail address at DAISy/CTI

N. Kazantzaki University Campus, 26500 Rio, Patras, Greece

E-mail address
Telephone at DAISy/CTI


1992: Diploma in Graphic Arts, Faculty of Graphic Arts and Design, Athens Technological Education Institute (ATEI) Athens, Greece
1993: Master of Arts in Graphic Design, Birmingham Institute of Art and Design, University of Central England in Birmingham (UCE), United Kingdom
1995: Master of Arts in Interactive Multimedia, Royal College of Art (RCA), United Kingdom
1999: Postgraduate certificate in Open & Distance Education, Hellenic Open University

Past Positions

1991 - 1992: Graphic designer,, LamdaAlpha/GREY advertising Company, Athens, Greece
1995 - 1999: Senior Interaction designer & project coordinator, Advanced Interface Design Department, Philips Design, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Teaching activities

Graphic Communication Design, Master degree course of Graphic Arts & Multimedia, Dpt of Applied Arts, Hellenic Open University (2004-present)

Interaction design, University of the Aegean, Design Engineering of Products and Systems department. Contracted part time lecturer (2002-2004)
Design and digital applications, University of Patras, department of Architecture. Contracted part time lecturer (2004)
Postgraduate programs, Invited lectures about: Ubiquitous Computing design issues, at the of the Dept. of Architectural engineering, Metsovio University of Athens (2003, 2004), and of the Dept. of Design Engineering of Products and Systems, University of the Aegean (2003)

Research Interests

Experience Design, Human-Computer Interaction, Computing in Tangible objects, Ubiquitous computing, Ambient Intelligence, Automobile Navigation Systems, Interactive TV, Conceptualization and scenario based development of Interactive applications.

Research Projects

  • ASTRA (IST/FET): Scientific Coordinator (2006-2007). Proposal authoring coordination. Workpackage Leader (End User Tools), (2008- ).
  • e-Gadgets (IST/FET/Disappearing Computer): Administrative coordinator, Interaction designer
  • PLANTS (IST/FET/Open):Experience Design
  • DCNet (IST/FET/Human Network): Steering group member
  • CONVIVIO (IST/FET/Human Network): member, CTI admin. Coordination
  • Educational Projects: (ODYSEIA action projects: PINELOPI, NAYSIKA, WEBCOM). Consultant in interaction design issues (specifications, evaluation)
  • Past R&D projects include: e-Slate (explorative learning environment, based on components). In-Home network: WWICE (for Philips research Labs). Interactive TV applications -used by Maesat, DirecTV, as well as applications used for refining research requirements and demonstrating technological research results (example projects: BATE, eGuide, MPG2-epg, TV-football gaming (IFA1998), Java TV applications). VDOdayton MS5000: car navigation system. Audio Shelf Presence. Workshops developing Ambient Intelligence Vision

Other Activities

  • Elected member of the Disappearing Computer steering group(link)
  • Member of the Convivio network steering group (executive member) - responsible for Publications and Publicity (link)
  • Co-chair of "TALES of the Disappearing Computer" (link)
  • Co-Chair of the Disappearing Computer Jamboree 2003 event (Nov.2003, IDII, Ivrea, Italy)
  • Young Interactive Professionals, committee member in 1997-1998 (Intranet responsibility)


  • Patent no.: PHN 16.576 EP-P. (1997). Interaction design patent re "interaction method for interactive TV"


Member for
17 years 3 weeks
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