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TypePostAuthorRepliesLast updated
BiblioEncapsulating multiple perspectives in interaction specification Anonymous016 years 22 weeks ago
BiblioA comparative study of learning algorithms for artificial neural nets Anonymous016 years 22 weeks ago
BiblioDrive:a virtual training environment for driving behaviour Anonymous016 years 22 weeks ago
BiblioOn the integration of high-level timed petri nets with schedulability analysis methods Anonymous016 years 22 weeks ago
BiblioSpecifying the interaction aspects of a virtual training using virtual reality multi-flow graphs Anonymous016 years 22 weeks ago
BiblioΜια πολυεπίπεδη αρχιτεκτονική του μοντέλου μαθητή βασισμένη σε τεχνητά νευρωνικά δίκτυα Anonymous016 years 22 weeks ago
BiblioThe interaction specification workspace:specifying and designing the interaction issues of virtual reality training environments from within Anonymous016 years 22 weeks ago
BiblioRepresenting tutoring interaction as structured goal satisfaction Anonymous016 years 22 weeks ago
BiblioQuali_Learn-κατάρτιση απο απόσταση σε θέματα διασφάλισης ποιότητας στην ανάπτυξη λογισμικού Anonymous016 years 22 weeks ago
BiblioOn the implementation of a multi-agent system for computer based medical education Anonymous016 years 22 weeks ago
BiblioΥποδειγματική σχεδίαση και αξιολόγηση της εφαρμογής μιας δραστηριότητας εκπαίδευσης ενηλίκων στην σχεδίαση ΒΔ Anonymous016 years 22 weeks ago
BiblioVisibility and accessibility of a component-based approach for ubiquitous computing applications :the e-gadgets case Anonymous016 years 22 weeks ago
BiblioEnd user programming tools in ubiquitous computing applications Anonymous016 years 22 weeks ago
BiblioRe-appearing interfaces of objects Anonymous016 years 22 weeks ago
BiblioExperiencing extrovert gadgets Anonymous016 years 22 weeks ago
BiblioThe concepts of an end user enabling architecture for ubiquitous computing Anonymous016 years 22 weeks ago
BiblioOntology-driven composition of service-oriented ubiquitous computing applications Anonymous016 years 22 weeks ago
BiblioAn ontology-based conceptual model for composing context-aware applications Anonymous016 years 22 weeks ago
BiblioEnd-User configuration of ambient intelligence environments : feasibility from a user perspective Anonymous016 years 22 weeks ago
BiblioMiddleware for building ubiquitous computing applications using distributed objects Anonymous016 years 22 weeks ago
BiblioExploiting ambient information into reactive agent architectures Anonymous016 years 22 weeks ago
BiblioThe digital territory : a mathematical model of the concept and its properties Anonymous016 years 22 weeks ago
BiblioExtracting and maintaining project knowledge using ontologies Anonymous016 years 22 weeks ago
BiblioA collaborating team of Spiking Neural Network based Robotic Agents for Inaccessible Fluidic Environments Anonymous016 years 22 weeks ago
BiblioTowards privacy protection in pervasive healthcare Anonymous016 years 22 weeks ago