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Kameas, A., I. Mavrommati, and P. Markopoulos, "Computing in tangible: using artifacts as components of ambient intelligence environments", In "Ambient Intelligence: The evolution of Technology, Communication and Cognition" (G.Riva, F.Vatalaro, F.Davide and M.Alcaniz,eds): IOS Press, pp. 121-142, 2004. Abstract
Kameas, A., S. Bellis, I. Mavrommati, K. Delanay, M. Colley, and A. Pounds-Cornish, "An architecture that treats everyday objects as communicating tangible components", Proceedings of 1st IEEE international conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications(PERCOM 2003), Texas - Fort Worth, USA, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 115-122, 2003. Abstract
Kameas, A., "Υποδειγματική σχεδίαση και αξιολόγηση της εφαρμογής μιας δραστηριότητας εκπαίδευσης ενηλίκων στην σχεδίαση ΒΔ", Πρακτικά 1ου Πανελληνίου Συνεδρίου στην Ανοικτή και εξ’ Αποστάσεως Εκπαίδευση, Patra , Greece, pp. 247-262, 23-25 May, 2001.
Markopoulos, P., I. Mavrommati, and A. Kameas, "End-User configuration of ambient intelligence environments : feasibility from a user perspective", In Proceedings of the 2nd European Symposium on Ambient Intelligence(EUSAI) , vol. 3295, Eindhoven, Netherlands, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 243-254, 8-10 November, 2004. Abstract
Mavrommati, I., P. Markopoulos, I. Calemis, and A. Kameas, "Experiencing extrovert gadgets", Proceedings of Human - Computer Interaction Conference, vol. 2, Bath, UK, Reasearch Press International, pp. 179-182, September, 2003. Abstract
Mavrommati, I., A. Kameas, and P. Markopoulos, "Visibility and accessibility of a component-based approach for ubiquitous computing applications :the e-gadgets case", Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Human - Computer Interaction(HCI International), vol. 2, Crete , Greece, pp. 178-182, June, 2003. Abstract
Mavrommati, I., A. Kameas, and P. Markopoulos, "An editing tool that manages device associations in anin- home environment", Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, vol. 8, issue 3-4: ACM & Springer-Verlag , pp. 255-263, 2004. Abstract
Mavrommati, I., and A. Kameas, "The concepts of an end user enabling architecture for ubiquitous computing", Proceedings of Pervasive 2004, Vienna, Austria, pp. 291-296, 21 April , 2004. Abstract
Mavrommati, I., and A. Kameas, "End user programming tools in ubiquitous computing applications", Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Human - Computer Interaction,(HCI International), vol. 2, Crete , Greece, pp. 172-177, June, 2003. Abstract
Mavrommati, I., and A. Kameas, "Aspects of human interaction with collections of objects translated into artefact architecture specifications", In Proceedings of the "Tales of the Disappearing Computer International Conference", Santorini, Greece, pp. 47-52, 1-4 June , 2003. Abstract
Mavrommati, I., and A. Kameas, "Crisis rooms are ambient intelligence digital territories", In Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction(HCII07), vol. 4555/2007, Beijing, China, pp. 151-157, 22-27 July, 2007. Abstract
Mavrommati, I., and A. Kameas, "Re-appearing interfaces of objects", Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Human - Computer Interaction(HCI International), vol. 4, Crete , Greece, pp. 414-418, June, 2003. Abstract
Micropoulos, T., A. Katsikis, A. Emvalotis, E. Nikolou, A. Xalkidis, P. Pintelas, and A. Kameas, "EIKΩN-ική πραγματικότητα στην υποστήριξη του μαθήματος της τεχνολογίας-παιδαγωγική προσέγγιση", Proceedings of 4rd Panhellenic Conference with International Participation,“Didactic of Mathematics and Informatics in Education”, Rethimno, Greece, pp. 155-162, 1-3 October, 1999.
Papadimitriou, S., A. Kameas, P. Fitsilis, and G. Pavlides, "A new compression technique for tools that use data-flow graphs to model distributed real-time applications", Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Software Engineering & its Applications(TOULOUSE 92), Toulouse, France, pp. 235-244, 7-11 December, 1992. Abstract
Pintelas, P., and A. Kameas, "Experience from using information technology in the training of managers", European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS), vol. 2, issue 2, pp. 129-137, 1993.
Pintelas, P., A. Kameas, A. Triantis, S. Bathis, G. Koutalieris, T. Micropoulos, and A. Katsikis, "Σχεδίαση εκπαιδευτικών εφαρμογών εικονικής πραγματικότητας : το περιβάλλον ΕΙΚΩΝ", Proceedings of 4rd Panhellenic Conference with International Participation,“Didactic of Mathematics and Informatics in Education”, Rethimno, Greece, pp. 144-154, 1-3 October, 1999.
Pintelas, P., A. Kameas, K. Diplas, D. Giakovis, and I. Zaharakis, "I drive using artificial intelligence and virtual reality", In Proceedings of the International Conference on Circuits, Systems and Computes (CSC’96), Piraeus, Greece , 15-17 July, 1996.
Seremeti, L., and A. Kameas, "Multimedia ontologies", Proceedings of ACM MobiMedia , 2007.
Stamatis, P., C. Goumopoulos, and A. Kameas, "Using ubiquitous computing technology to realise scalable intelligent agricultural environments", In Proceedings of the 3rd IET International Conference on Intelligent Environments(IE07), Ulm University, Germany, pp. 564-571, 24-25 September , 2007. Abstract
Stamatis, P., I. Zaharakis, and A. Kameas, "Exploiting ambient information into reactive agent architectures", In Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IEE06), vol. 2, Athens, Greece, pp. 69-79, 5-6 July , 2006. Abstract
Triantis, A., A. Kameas, I. Zaharakis, G. Kagadis, G. Sakellaropoulos, G. Nikiforidis, and P. Pintelas, "Towards a generic multi-agent architecture of computer-based medical education applications", In Proceedings of the 2nd Panhellenic Conference with International Participation on Information and Communication Technologies in Education, Patra , Greece, pp. 255-264, 13-15 October, 2000. Abstract
Triantis, A., A. Kameas, and G. Nikiforidis, "On the implementation of a multi-agent system for computer based medical education", Proceedings of 2nd Panhellenic Conference with International Participation on Information and Communication Technologies in Education, Patra, Greece, pp. 246-254, 13-15 October, 2000. Abstract
Triantis, A., S. Kotsiantis, I. Zaharakis, A. Kameas, and P. Pintelas, "X-GENITOR: an integrated environment for the development of agent-based tele-training applications", In Proceedings of workshop on Intelligent Agents and Virtual Reality organized by Artificial Intelligent Human Network, Athens, Greece, 29 June , 2001.