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Christopoulou, E., C. Goumopoulos, I. Zaharakis, and A. Kameas, "An ontology-based conceptual model for composing context-aware applications", In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2004), workshop on "Advanced Context Modelling, Reasoning and Management", Nottingham, England, 7-10 September , 2004. Abstract
Gerogiannis, V., A. Kameas, and P. Pintelas, "On the integration of high-level timed petri nets with schedulability analysis methods", Proceedings of the 3rd Hellenic European Research on Mathematics and Informatics Conference(HERMIS96), Athens, Greece, pp. 703-712, 2-27 Sempteber, 1996.
Triantis, A., A. Kameas, and G. Nikiforidis, "On the implementation of a multi-agent system for computer based medical education", Proceedings of 2nd Panhellenic Conference with International Participation on Information and Communication Technologies in Education, Patra, Greece, pp. 246-254, 13-15 October, 2000. Abstract
Zaharakis, I., and A. Kameas, "On emergent phenomena in everyday activities taking place in AmI spaces", In Proceedings of 2nd European Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS’05), Paris, France, pp. 662-667, 14 November , 2005. Abstract
Kotsiantis, S., I. Zaharakis, D. Tampakas, and P. Pintelas, "On constructing a financial decision support system", In Proceedings of International Conference on Enterprise Systems and Accounting 2004, Thessaloniki , Hellas, pp. 319-331, 3-4 September, 2004.
Seremeti, L., and A. Kameas, "Multimedia ontologies", Proceedings of ACM MobiMedia , 2007.
Jorna, G., M. Wouters, P. Gardien, H. Kemp, J. Mama, I. Mavrommati, I. McClelland, and L. V. Matzen, "The multimedia library; Centre of an information rich community", International Conference on Human Computer Interaction ACM-SIGCHI, USA, 22 March, 1997.
Zaharakis, I., and A. Kameas, "Modeling spiking neural networks", Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 395, issue 1: Elsevier, pp. 57-76, 2008. Abstract
Kameas, A., S. Papadimitriou, and P. Pintelas, "Modeling and design of the multimedia subsystem of a distributed authoring environment", Microprocessing and Microprogramming, vol. 38, issue 1-5: North-Holland, pp. 669-678, September, 1993. Abstract
Drossos, N., E. Christopoulou, and A. Kameas, "Middleware for building ubiquitous computing applications using distributed objects", In Proceedings of the 10th Panhellenic conference on Informatics(PCI2005) , vol. 3746, Volos, Greece, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 256-266, 11-13 November, 2005. Abstract
Zaharakis, I., A. Kameas, and P. Pintelas, "Met the expert methodology tutor of genitor", Microprocessing and Microprogramming , vol. 40, issue 10-12: Elsevier Science, pp. 855-860, 1994. Abstract
Giakovis, D., I. Zaharakis, K. Diplas, A. Kameas, and P. Pintelas, "Mellon: a generator of intelligent tutoring applications", In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technologies in Education (CATE 96), Cairo, Egypt, pp. 300-311, 18-20 March, 1996. Abstract
Bellis, S., D. Murphy, D. Hurty, J. Barton, B. O'Flynn, K. Delanay, C. O'Mathuna, N. Drossos, A. Kameas, I. Mavrommati, et al., "Medical eGadgets", In Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UBICOMP2004), Nottingham , England, 7-10 September, 2004. Abstract
Diplas, K., A. Kameas, and P. Pintelas, "The interaction specification workspace:specifying and designing the interaction issues of virtual reality training environments from within", Proceedings of the 4th Eurographics Workshop on Design,Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems (DSVIS97), Granada, Spain, pp. 269-287, 4-6 June, 1997.
Kameas, A., and I. Mavrommati, "Interacting with ubiquitous computer applications: issues and methodology", Proceedings of 1st Panhellenic Conference with International Participation on Human-Computer Interaction(PC-HCI 2001), Typorama, Patra, Greece, pp. 394-399, 7-9 December, 2001. Abstract
Gerogiannis, V., I. Zaharakis, A. Kameas, and P. Pintelas, "An intelligent tutoring system for the yourdon real-time systems development methodology", In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technologies in Education (CATE 96), Cairo , Egypt, pp. 287-299, 18-20 March , 1996.
Ouzounis, A. G., I. D. Zaharakis, and A. D. Kameas, "An implementation of a symbiotic ecology with self* properties in an eHealth scenario", 13th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI 2009), Corfu, Greece, pp. 131-135, 10/09/2009. Abstract
Kameas, A., S. Papadimitriou, P. Pintelas, and G. Pavlides, "IDFG : an interactive applications specification model with phenomenological properties", Microprocessing and Microprogramming, vol. 38, issue 1-5: North-Holland, pp. 615-623, September, 1993. Abstract
Pintelas, P., A. Kameas, K. Diplas, D. Giakovis, and I. Zaharakis, "I drive using artificial intelligence and virtual reality", In Proceedings of the International Conference on Circuits, Systems and Computes (CSC’96), Piraeus, Greece , 15-17 July, 1996.
Zaharakis, I., A. Kameas, and P. Pintelas, "A hybrid expert system as an embedded module in tutoring systems", Digital Creativity (inc. Intelligent Tutoring Media), vol. 8, issue 2, pp. 47-58, July, 1997.