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Biblio A multi-agent architecture for teaching dermatology Anonymous 02/15/2008 - 15:12
Biblio EISH - Exercises in studying HCI Anonymous 02/20/2008 - 15:39
Biblio Yποστήριξη των φοιτητών που εκπονούν πτυχιακή εργασία στο πρόγραµµα σπουδών πληροφορικής του ΕΑΠ Anonymous 02/18/2008 - 11:28
Biblio A Generic Legality Checker and Attribute Evaluator for a Distributed Enterprise Environment Anonymous 03/24/2008 - 16:27
Biblio Efficiency of machine learning techniques in predicting students performance in distance learning systems Anonymous 02/14/2008 - 11:33
Biblio Using ubiquitous computing technology to realise scalable intelligent agricultural environments Anonymous 02/18/2008 - 12:47
Biblio Mellon: a generator of intelligent tutoring applications Anonymous 02/14/2008 - 14:51
Biblio Algorithms for inference control Anonymous 02/19/2008 - 10:59
Biblio Assessing supervised machine learning techniques for predicting student learning preferences Anonymous 02/15/2008 - 12:07
Biblio 4Ds: an Architecture that dynamically synthesizes distributed content with distributed expertise into educational applications that support sustainable sessions for distributed learners Anonymous 02/19/2008 - 12:11
Biblio Experiencing extrovert gadgets Anonymous 02/18/2008 - 10:59
Biblio Code Generation and Optimization Anonymous 03/24/2008 - 14:39
Biblio A collaborating team of Spiking Neural Network based Robotic Agents for Inaccessible Fluidic Environments Anonymous 02/18/2008 - 12:08
Biblio A study of bio-inspired communication scheme in swarm robotics jzaharak 11/19/2010 - 09:57
Biblio Producing relational database schemata from an object-oriented design Anonymous 02/14/2008 - 14:25
Biblio An overview of ami from a user centered design perspective Anonymous 02/19/2008 - 10:05
Biblio A hybrid expert system as an embedded module in tutoring systems Anonymous 02/19/2008 - 11:58
Biblio eComp an architecture that supports P2P networking among ubiquitous computing devices Anonymous 02/18/2008 - 10:16
Biblio Pervasive Computing in Agriculture Anonymous 03/21/2008 - 15:01
Biblio Middleware for building ubiquitous computing applications using distributed objects Anonymous 02/18/2008 - 11:48
Biblio Rule handling in the day-to-day resource management problem: an object-oriented approach Anonymous 03/26/2008 - 11:17
Biblio Συνεργατικά Συστήματα Διάχυτου Υπολογισμού και Περιρρέουσας Νοημοσύνης Anonymous 02/14/2008 - 12:27
Biblio Sustainable ‘disappearing computer’ artifacts and spaces, designed for extended human use. Anonymous 02/18/2008 - 15:15
Biblio Towards a generic multi-agent architecture of computer-based medical education applications Anonymous 02/15/2008 - 10:46
Biblio Modeling spiking neural networks Anonymous 02/15/2008 - 15:18
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