Goumopoulos, C., A. Kameas, and B. O'Flynn,
"Proactive agriculture : an integrated framework for developing distributed hybrid systems",
In proceedings of 4th International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC-07), Jadwiga Indulska et al., vol. 4611, Hong Kong, China, Springer-Verlag, pp. 214-224, 11-13 July , 2007.
Zaharakis, I., and A. Kameas,
"Social Intelligence as the Means for achieving Emergent Interactive Behaviour in Ubiquitous Environments",
In Jacko , J.,(Ed.) Human- Computer Interaction, Part II, vol. LNCS 4551: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg , pp. 1018–1029, 2007.
Mavrommati, I., and A. Kameas,
"Crisis rooms are ambient intelligence digital territories",
In Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction(HCII07), vol. 4555/2007, Beijing, China, pp. 151-157, 22-27 July, 2007.
Ahamed, S. I., N. Talukder, and A. Kameas,
"Towards privacy protection in pervasive healthcare",
In Proceedings of the 3rd IET International Conference on Intelligent Environments, Ulm, Germany, pp. 269-303, 24-25 September , 2007.
Stamatis, P., C. Goumopoulos, and A. Kameas,
"Using ubiquitous computing technology to realise scalable intelligent agricultural environments",
In Proceedings of the 3rd IET International Conference on Intelligent Environments(IE07), Ulm University, Germany, pp. 564-571, 24-25 September , 2007.