Talking plant : integrating plants behavior with ambient intelligence

Publication Type:

Conference Paper


In Proceedings of the 2nd IET International Conference on Intelligent Environments(IE06), Athens, Greece, p.335-343 (2006)




The aim of this work is to bring the Ambient Intelligence (AmI) (1) concept in a new level by introducing it to living organisms – plants. In this paper we provide a concrete scenario where an augmented plant, an ePlant can be incorporated in a ubiquitous computing environment in order to work together with other augmented objects, artifacts, in order to provide to the environment status of its condition. The paper presents the enabling infrastructure and the tools that are used to make such an application, and discusses on how we can make these augmented items to collaborate in order to create mixed societies of plants and artifacts.
Talking Plant Integrating Plants Behavior with Ambient Intelligence.pdf857.98 KB