ASTRA Consortium

Partner organisations of the ASTRA consortium are:

CTI DAISY team CTI, (Research Academic Computer Technology Institute) brings in experience in Designing Ambient Intelligence Systems (DAISy). The CTI DAISy research team bridging computer science with interaction design will lead the project and support with research in end user programming tools, design framework, ontologies and modules development for the architecture.


tue TU/e, Industrial Design, shall bring in expertise in interaction design, user interface technology and qualitative research methods for interaction design. TU/e, Technology Management, shall contribute expertise in quantitative methods for assessing user experiences, social presence and experimental design.


Telenor Telenor, shall bring in expertise on communication service and software architectures.


Philips Philips Research, shall bring in experience in field studies and the design of user interfaces for entertainment and leisure. Philips will support user tests in realistic conditions in the HomeLab, a simulated home-laboratory, especially built and equipped for large scale field studies.

  Key people:

  • CTI
    • Achilles Kameas, ASTRA project co-ordinator
    • Ioannis Zaharakis, ASTRA project manager
    • Irene Mavrommati , sr interaction designer /WP leader.
    • Christos Goumopoulos, computer science direction
    • John Calemis, development manager
    • Panos Stamatis, research assistant
    • Kontantinos Togias , research assistant
  • TU/e
    • Panos Markopoulos, assistant professor, User Centered Engineering group
    • Wijnand A. Ijsselsteijn, assistant professor, Technology Management
    • George Metaxas, reasearch assistant.
  • Telenor ASA
    • Erik Berg, research scientist
  • Philips Research
    • Boris de Ruyter, senior researcher
  • NTNU
    • Monica Divitini, professor of cooperation technologies, department of Information and Computer Science