Classroom BRIDGE: using collaborative public and desktop timelines to support activity awareness,
Ganoe, C.H.; Somervell, J.P.; Neale, D.C.; Isenhour, P.L.; Carroll, J.M.; Rosson, M.B.; McCrickard, D.S.
, UIST'03, Volume 5, Vancouver, BC, Canada, p.21-30
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Evaluating Computer-Supported Cooperative Work: Models and Frameworks,
Neale, D.C.; Carrol, J.M.; Rosson, M.B.
, CSCW'04, Volume 6, Chicago, Illinois, USA, p.11-121
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Thunderwire: A Field Study of an Audio-Only Media Space,
Hindus, D.; Ackerman, M.S.; Mainwaring, S.; Starr, B.
, CSCW, Cambridge, MA, USA, p.238-247
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