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Christopoulou, E., C. Goumopoulos, I. Zaharakis, and A. Kameas, "An ontology-based conceptual model for composing context-aware applications", In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2004), workshop on "Advanced Context Modelling, Reasoning and Management", Nottingham, England, 7-10 September , 2004. Abstract
Drossos, N., C. Goumopoulos, and A. Kameas, "A conceptual model and the supporting middleware for composing ubiquitous computing applications", Ubiquitous Computing and Intelligence (JUCI), special issue on "Ubiquitous Intelligence in Real Words", vol. 1, issue 2: American Scientific Publisher (ASP), pp. 174-186, 2007. Abstract
Kameas, A., and I. Mavrommati, "The evolution of objects into hyper-objects: will it be mostly harmless", Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, vol. 7, issue 3-4: ACM & Springer-Verlag, pp. 176-181, July, 2003. Abstract
Kameas, A., I. Mavrommati, D. Ringkas, and P. Wason, "eComp an architecture that supports P2P networking among ubiquitous computing devices", Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Peer to Peer Computing, Linkoping , Sweden, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 57-64, 5-7 September, 2002. Abstract
Kameas, A., and I. Mavrommati, "Interacting with ubiquitous computer applications: issues and methodology", Proceedings of 1st Panhellenic Conference with International Participation on Human-Computer Interaction(PC-HCI 2001), Typorama, Patra, Greece, pp. 394-399, 7-9 December, 2001. Abstract
Mavrommati, I., and I. Darzentas, "End user tools for ambient intelligence environments:an overview", Human Computer Interaction, Part II, vol. 4551: Springer - Verlag , pp. 864-872, 2007. Abstract
Mavrommati, I., P. Markopoulos, I. Calemis, and A. Kameas, "Experiencing extrovert gadgets", Proceedings of Human - Computer Interaction Conference, vol. 2, Bath, UK, Reasearch Press International, pp. 179-182, September, 2003. Abstract
Mavrommati, I., A. Kameas, and P. Markopoulos, "An editing tool that manages device associations in anin- home environment", Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, vol. 8, issue 3-4: ACM & Springer-Verlag , pp. 255-263, 2004. Abstract
Zaharakis, I., and A. Kameas, "Emergent phenomena in AmI spaces", The EASST (European Association of Software Science and Technology)Newsletter, vol. 12, pp. 82-96, March, 2006. Abstract