Found 77 results
Abstractions of Awareness,
Metaxas, G.; Markopoulos, P.
, Awareness Systems: advances in theory, methodology and design, (2009)
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Awareness of Daily Life Activities,
Metaxas, G.; Markopoulos, P.
, Awareness Systems: advances in theory, methodology and design, (2009)
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A Service-Oriented Platform for Pervasive Awareness Systems,
Goumopoulos, C.; Kameas, A.; Berg, E.; Calemis, I
, International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops, ΙΕΕΕ Computer Society, p.470-475, (2009)
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An Integrated Framework for Developing Distributed Hybrid Systems,
Goumopoulos, C.; Kameas, A.; O'Flynn, B.
, 4th International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC-07), 11/07/2007, Hong Kong, (2007)
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Busy families’ awareness needs,
Khan, J.V.; Markopoulos, P.
, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Volume 67, Issue 2, p.139-153, (2009)
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Co-design and new technologies with family users - Deliverable 1.2 & 2.2,
Beaudouin-Lafon, M.; Bederson, B.B.; Conversy, S.; Druin, A.; Eiderbäck, B.; Evans, H.; Hansen, H.; Harvard, Å.; Hutchinson, H.; Lindquist, S.; Mackay, W.; Plaisant, C.; Roussel, N.
, 2002-09-04, Number ISSN 1650-
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Classroom BRIDGE: using collaborative public and desktop timelines to support activity awareness,
Ganoe, C.H.; Somervell, J.P.; Neale, D.C.; Isenhour, P.L.; Carroll, J.M.; Rosson, M.B.; McCrickard, D.S.
, UIST'03, Volume 5, Vancouver, BC, Canada, p.21-30
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