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Hanging on the ’Wire: A Field Study of an Audio-Only Media Space, Ackerman, M.S.; Hindus, D.; Mainwaring, S.D.; Starr, B. , ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, Volume 4, Number 1, p.39-66
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Privacy Issues in Ubiquitous Multimedia Environments: Wake Sleeping Dogs, or Let Them Lie?, Adams, A.; Sasse, M.A. , Interact '99, International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Edinburgh, UK, p.214-221 Abstract
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Privacy in Multimedia Communications: Protecting Users, Not Just Data, Adams, A.; Sasse, M.A. , People and Computers XV - Interaction without frontiers - Joint Proceedings of HCI2001 and ICM2001, Lille, p.49-64 Abstract
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A Room of Our Own: Experiences from a Direct Office Share, Adler, A.; Henderson, A. , CHI, Boston, Massachussets, USA, p.138-144
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Co-design and new technologies with family users - Deliverable 1.2 & 2.2, Beaudouin-Lafon, M.; Bederson, B.B.; Conversy, S.; Druin, A.; Eiderbäck, B.; Evans, H.; Hansen, H.; Harvard, Å.; Hutchinson, H.; Lindquist, S.; Mackay, W.; Plaisant, C.; Roussel, N. , 2002-09-04, Number ISSN 1650-
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Rhythm Modeling, Visualizations and Applications, Begole, J.".; Tang, J.C.; Hill, R. , UIST 2003, Volume 5, Vancouver, BC, Canada, p.11-20
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The Effects of Filtered Video on Awareness and Privacy, Boyle, M.; Edwards, C.; Greenberg, S. , CSCW, Philadelphia, PA
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ASTRA: An Awareness Connectivity Platform for Designing Pervasive Awareness Applications, Calemis, I; Kameas, A. et al. , Innovations and Advances in Computer Sciences and Engineering, (2009)
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"Preliminary requirements and approach for Tools that configure pervasive awareness applications": the ASTRA case. Poster, Calemis, J.; Mavrommati, I , HCII 2007, Beijing, (2007)
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The CareNet Display: Lessons Learned from an In Home Evaluation of an Ambient Display, Consolvo, S.; Roessler, P.; Shelton, B.E. , UbiComp 2004, p.1-17
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Aurama: supporting connectedness between elderly and their children with long-term trend awareness of wellbeing, Dadlani, P.; Sinitsyn, A.; Fontijn, W.; Markopoulos, P. , Social Intelligence Design 2009, Kyoto, Japan, (2009)
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Pervasive Awareness Applications: Aesthetics and Ludic Aspects, Divitini, M.; Mavrommati, I. , DIMEA2008, rd ACM International Conference on Digital Interactive Media in Entertainment and Arts , Athens, Greece, p.499-500, (2008) Abstract
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Portholes: Supporting Awareness in a Distributed Work Group, Dourish, P.; Bly, S. , CHI'92, p.541-547
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Architectures and platforms for AMI: workshop summary report, Farshchian, B.A.; Berg, E.; M., D.; Pascotto, R. , Post-workshop proceeding of AMI-08 workshops: Springer, (In Press)
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A Service-Oriented Platform for Pervasive Awareness Systems, Goumopoulos, C.; Kameas, A.; Berg, E.; Calemis, I , International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops, ΙΕΕΕ Computer Society, p.470-475, (2009)
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An Integrated Framework for Developing Distributed Hybrid Systems, Goumopoulos, C.; Kameas, A.; O'Flynn, B. , 4th International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC-07), 11/07/2007, Hong Kong, (2007)
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Classroom BRIDGE: using collaborative public and desktop timelines to support activity awareness, Ganoe, C.H.; Somervell, J.P.; Neale, D.C.; Isenhour, P.L.; Carroll, J.M.; Rosson, M.B.; McCrickard, D.S. , UIST'03, Volume 5, Vancouver, BC, Canada, p.21-30
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The Affordances of Media Spaces for Collaboration, Gaver, W. , CSCW'92, p.17-24
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Ensuring Privacy in Presence Awareness Systems: An Automated Verification Approach, Godefroid, P.; Herbsleb, J.D.; Jagadeesan, L.J.; Li, D. , Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, p.59-68 Abstract
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Using Digital but Physical Surrogates to Mediate Awareness, Communication and Privacy in Media Spaces, Greenberg, S.; Kuzuoka, H. , Personal Technologies, Volume 4, Number 1, p.17
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Desing for Individuals, Desing for Groups: Tradeoffs Between power and Workspace Awareness, Gutwin, C.; Greenberg, S. , CSCW'98, Seattle Washington USA, p.207-216
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Supporting Group Collaboration with Inter-Personal Awareness Devices, Holmquist, L.E.; Falk, J.; Wigström, J. , Personal Technologies, Volume 3, p.13-21
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Techniques for addressing fundamental privacy and disruption tradeoffs in awareness support systems, Hudson, S.E.; Smith, I. , ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work, Boston, Massachusetts, United States, p.248 - 257 Abstract
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Supporting Group Collaboration with Inter-Personal Awareness Devices, Holmquist, L.E.; Falk, J.; Wigström, J. , Personal Technologies, Volume 3, p.13-21
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Techniques for addressing fundamental privacy and disruption tradeoffs in awareness support systems, Hudson, S.E.; Smith, I. , ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work, Boston, Massachusetts, United States, p.248 - 257 Abstract
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